วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

4.4 Trophic Levels

- Tropic = feed
- In the example:

  • the carrot plant is doing the photosynthesis - - - - - in ecology terms - - - - - Producer (light energy and turning it into chemical energy)
  • the carrot fly is eating the plant = herbivore - - - - - in ecology terms - - - - - Primary Consumer (chemical energy of the plant into chemical energy of the fly - change in the form of the chemical energy)
  • the flycatcher eats the fly = carnivore - - - - - in ecology terms - - - - - Secondary Consumer (again, changing the chemical energy from one form to another)
  • another carnivore eating another carnivore = top carnivore. - - - - - in ecology terms - - - - - Tertiary Consumer (Chemical energy from one form to another)
At some stage, they all die.
At this point, decomposers break the complex molecules down into nitrates and phosphates. 
fungi and bacteria are an example of decomposers.

