วันจันทร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.9 Carbon Cycle

1) Photosynthesis:
- CO2 and H2O are combined in photosynthesis using chlorophyll and light energy is trapped and used to form organic molecules
- Photosynthesis is responsible to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere

2) Feeding:
- Producer ---> Primary Consumer ---> Secondary Consumer
- All the organisms put CO2 into the atmosphere by the process of respiration
- The primary consumer takes in the carbon from the producer and uses it to grow
- Carbon passes along the food chain
- In each stage, each organism carries out the process of .... =

3) Respiration
- Starts with glucose and oxygen ---> Energy + CO2
- Respiration adds CO2 to the atmosphere

4) Decomposition
- All of the organisms eventually die and the organic molecules that remain are broken down by the decomposers (bacteria and fungi)
- This results to the release of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere

5) Combustion
- Fossil fuels (oils and coals) -----> C02
- examples: industrial and motor vehicle (e.g. cars, lorries, aeroplanes etc.) where they combust fuels for their movement
- combustion occurs in the environment naturally (e.g. lightning striking vegetation = forest fires and grassland fires)

