วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.11 Gas Pollution

1. Sulphur Dioxide - SO2 (gas)
- added to atmosphere when we have the combustion of fossil fuels in factories
- fossil fuels (coals, oils) result to SO2 gas given off
- significant contributions to SO2 production comes from vehicles
- in the atmosphere: sulphur dioxide + water vapour ------> forms sulphuric acid
- sulphuric acid is found within the water which condenses: clouds and when rains = acid rain
- acid rain effects plants and animals in variety of ways:

  • the trees and plants are often burned by the direct effect of the sulphuric acid on the surface.
  • the top of tree dies
  • causes calcium ions and magnesium ions to be leached out of the soil = the plant cant obtain calcium and magnesium and resulting to the leaves going yellow and the plant cant grow
  • acid precipitation from streams which will form into the lakes. This reduces the pH making it acidic. Releases aluminium ions and this effects fish
  • the aluminium causes thickening of the mucus that lines the gills of a fish and reduces the fishes ability to take oxygen from water = the fish suffocates and it dies
2. Carbon Monoxide - CO
- produced when fossil fuels (coal, gas) are burned with insufficient oxygen
- it combines with haemoglobin inside red blood cells and forms a molecules called carbaminohaemoglobin = blocks haemoglobin from carrying oxygen
- reducing oxygen circulation
- toxic and too much CO can be fatal
- difficult to get the CO to be released from the haemoglobin
- carbon monoxide pollution

