วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.13 Greenhouse gases

1) Human activity: burning of fossil fuels - from factories, vehicles and domestic combustion of fossil fuels
- Results in the formation of more CO2 (Greenhouse gases), NO2 (Greenhouse gasses) and SO2

- Animals (Cows) emit methane gas to the atmosphere which makes up 9% of the atmospheric gases. Significant contribute to the Greenhouse effect.

3) Evaporation - of H2O into water vapour
- Cloud are a significant contribute to the Greenhouse effect

4) Refrigeration/Solvents/Propellents - CFC
- CFC - combination of Chlorine, Florine and Carbon (e.g. CCL3F) it is well associated with the absorption of UV Light and catalyzing the breakdown of the O-zone layer

