วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

2.89 Hormones

2.89 understand the sources, roles and effects of the following hormones: ADH, adrenaline, insulin, testosterone, progesterone and oestrogen.

This is the Endocrine system.
Endocrine glands --Hormone travels though blood)--> Target --> Effects
The hormonal system also coordinates the body and the hormones are chemicals produced by glands. Small amounts of the chemicals are carried around the body by blood and tells different parts of the body what to do.

ADH --> Pituitary gland ---> collecting duct ---> Increases absorption of water into the blood stream
- produced in the pituitary gland
- controls the level of water in your body
- causes kidney tubules to reabsorb more water into the blood stream

Adrenaline ---> Adrenal glands --> Heart (one of the targets - many more) --> Increase Heart rate
- produced in the adrenal glands
- it is released during excitement, stress or fear
- helps the body prepare for action by:
1. Glycogen is converted to glucose in the liver --> more glucose reaches the muscles as a source of energy for the rapid contractions needed for sudden action
2. Heart rate increases --> more oxygen and glucose delivered to muscles for energy release.
3. Bronchioles widen --> more air reaches lungs
4. Blood vessels go the gut and other organs narrow --> more blood to be diverted to more life-saving organs
5. Blood vessels to the brain and muscles widen --> more glucose and oxygen delivered to these organs
6. Hairs are raised --> makes furry animals look larger 

Insulin --> Pancreas --> Liver --> storage of glucose (reduce blood sugar levels) 
- secreted by the pancreas
- controls blood sugar levels 

Glucagon --> Pancreas --> Liver --> put sugar into kidney

Testosterone --> Testis --> Testis (sperm) --> Sperm cell mature
- produced in the testes
- develops male features during puberty

Progesteron --> Ovary --> Uterus --> maintains the lining of the uterus
- produced in the ovaries 
- prepares the womb so it could receive a fertilized egg 
- works with oestrogen for menstrual cycle

Oestrogen --> Ovary --> Uterus --> makes the lining of the uterus
- produced in the ovaries 
- develops female features during puberty
- works with progesterone for menstrual cycle

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