วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

5.2 Crop Yield

- This is related to the rate of photosynthesis CO2 + H20  --(light, enzyme reaction)--> C6H12O6 (turned into starch and stored by the plant) + 02

1. Increasing the concentration of Carbon dioxide. CO2 = substrate
- increasing the concentration of the substrate and the rate of reaction will increase
- the rate of photosynthesis will increase = higher yield up to a point.
- the optimum point will give the greatest yield of product

1. Increasing the temperature
- as we increase the temperature we get an increase in the rate of reaction and the yield increases
- this only continues until it reaches the optimum temperature.

- if we increase the temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide we will experience the increase in rate of photosynthesis and the yield. They both have limits
- increase temperature in a greenhouse also has other affects:
1. avoiding frost damage
2. providing constant temperatures
- both contribute to the increase yield

