วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

5.5 Beer Production

- the beer is largely: Ethanol - an alcohol molecule
- Anaerobic respiration: glucose --(yeast)--> ethanol + carbon dioxide
- yeast is able to supply the enzymes to bring about the conversion
- the ethanol is flavoured by the addition of plants (e.g. Hops)
- glucose comes from starch in a two-step process
- Starch --(enzyme: amylase)--> maltose --(enzyme: maltase)--> glucose
- the source of the starch are things like: barley seeds, wheat seeds and sometimes rice
- malting: breaking starch down to maltose through the germination of the seed
- yeast brings about the anaerobic respiration of glucose, ethanol and carbon dioxide

